
As part of the Scottish Episcopal Church and the wider Anglican Communion, Ps & Gs has a Vestry. Equivalent to a Board of Trustees, Vestry is an elected body of between 7 and 12 church members who help to lead the church and provide support for the Rector, clergy and the staff.

This committed group of people usually meets twice a month for Vestry meetings and for prayer gatherings. They provide guidance, support and expertise in a wide range of areas; long term planning, finance, building management, HR, and safeguarding, as well as ensuring the church’s resources are well governed. They serve for a maximum term of six years and are elected at the AGM. The AGM also appoints a Lay Representative who serves as a link to the Diocese of Edinburgh. The Lay Representative also attends Vestry meetings.

Minutes from Vestry meetings can be requested from the office.

Vestry Members

Andrew Marrian (ex-officio)
Andy Croft (ex-officio)
Aurelie Norman
Bryony Owtram
Colin Brown
Dave Richards (ex-officio)
Duncan Hughes
Eilidh Proudfoot (ex-officio)
Euan McRorie
Jo Twigg (ex-officio, currently on maternity leave)
Katelyn Roush
Mark Wright
Neil Stewart (Lay representative)
Philip Earl
Robin Nelson
Willem van der Merwe
Yvonne Waugh