We hope that you can join us at one of our services, if you are new please say hi to one of our welcome team and have a look at our New Here page which has some helpful links to get you connected.
The service times listed below are our normal service times. In December some Sundays will have different times, please see the homepage to view this.
10.00 am
Worship and teaching for adults, young people and children. During term time we have groups for children aged 0-15 years old.
There is tea and coffee available after the service.
12.00 pm
A quieter, reflective Communion service using the SEC liturgy and a mix of traditional hymns and contemporary worship songs.
7.00 pm
A relaxed service to worship and learn together, with more students and young adults.
There is tea and coffee available before the service from around 6.40 pm.
The main entrance is through the glass foyer at 46 York Place, EH1 3HP. There's a bus stop just outside the door and other transport links nearby.
Q: How long is a service?
A: The services are about 1 hour - 1 hour 15 minutes long.
Q: What should I wear?
A: There's no pressure to dress up smart or wear your 'Sunday best'. We just want you to be comfortable!
Q: Are there groups for children and young people?
A: The 10.00 am service has groups for children 0-15 years old, during term time. If you're new, speak to one of the welcome team for more information.
The 12.00 pm service has a DIY creche.
The 7.00 pm service does not provide anything for primary aged children and younger.
Q: Is there a hearing loop?
A: Yes. To use the hearing loop, sit downstairs in the centre section of the main space. If you're unsure, ask one of our welcome team.
Q: Do you have an online service?
A: We don’t currently have an online service but we are live streaming the reading and talk from the 10.00 am Sunday services to our Youtube channel, this will start around 10.15 am.
Q: Is the building accessible from street level?
A: Yes, the building is accessible from York Place on street level with no steps. We also have fully accessible toilets on all levels of the building. If you're unsure or have particular needs, speak to one of the welcome team or get in touch with the office who will be happy to help.
Q: Will there be an offering?
A: If you would like to give financially we have contactless & card giving machines in the foyer. You can also find details of how to give online here.
Q: Are refreshments served?
A: There is tea & coffee served between the 10.00 am and 12.00 pm service (from around 11.15 am). Tea & coffee is served before the 7.00 pm service from around 6.40 pm.
Q: What denomination is Ps & Gs Church?
A: Ps & Gs Church is part of the Scottish Episcopal Church (SEC) you can find out more about the SEC here.