Micah 2025 Projects
The Micah Fund is a way for people at Ps & Gs to give to charities and projects outside our church and beyond our usual partner organisations.
The Micah Fund supports projects in the UK which fall under one of the four areas of changing lives, transforming society, deepening influence and church planting, which are in line with Ps & Gs strategy. It also includes donations to Disaster Emergency Committee (DEC) appeals, ordinands who have been part of Ps & Gs, and short-term missions.
The charities we are supporting this year are:
24-7 Prayer Scotland
Home-Start Edinburgh
Pregnancy Counselling and Care (Scotland) (PCC(S))
Project Light: Survivors of Human Trafficking in Scotland (SOHTIS)
The Village Network
Find out more about the Micah Fund and charities we supported in previous years.
24-7 Prayer Scotland - National Coordinator
Part of the wider 24-7 Prayer movement, 24-7 Prayer Scotland has a vision to revive the church, and rewire our culture, through prayer. Prayer rooms are powerful spaces. In them, Christians can deepen their relationship with God, and non-Christians can encounter God for the first time. 24-7 Prayer Scotland works alongside churches and organisations like SU and Tearfund to establish continual prayer rooms across the country, as well as developing materials like their Youth prayer booklet (with Alpha) and their Dare to Journey prayer passport (with Tearfund).
The Micah Fund donation will help pay for a National Coordinator role for the first time, enabling 24-7 Prayer Scotland to increase their impact on Christian discipleship in Scotland.
Please note: some surplus from the 2024 Micah Fund (£5,500) was granted to 24-7 Prayer Scotland to help them access matched funding at a key stage. This year's funding is in addition to that.
Read more about 24-7 Prayer Scotland.
Home-Start Edinburgh - Group Work Programme
Home-Start Edinburgh supports vulnerable and isolated parents of young children. It's the largest volunteer-led early-years service in Edinburgh with over 35 years' experience delivering life-changing programmes.
Families affected by social isolation, poverty and other challenges including mental health issues and disabilities need layers of support to help them through their children's early years. Home-Start Edinburgh runs group sessions focused on baby massage, paediatric first aid and group play, to build parents' confidence and self-esteem, and support their children's learning and development.
The Micah Fund donation will help fund staff costs, room hire and volunteer training for Home-Start Edinburgh's group work programme, supporting over 40 babies and their parents this year.
Read more about Home-Start Edinburgh.
Pregnancy Counselling and Care (Scotland) (PCC(S)) - Counselling Lead
PCC(S) is an Edinburgh-based charity that supports families who are struggling due to pregnancy, childbirth, miscarriage and other perinatal issues.
One in five women in the UK experience perinatal mental health issues, making it the most common health concern connected to pregnancy and childbirth. In addition to a Baby Bank, PCC(S) supports its clients through a Counselling service, working with around 120 clients every year out of its Gyle and Leith spaces, and online. Over 10 freely provided sessions, their counselling has a demonstrable effect, improving 73% of clients' clinical scores and improving the outcomes for their babies and families.
The Micah Fund donation will pay for 25% of the annual salary of the Counselling Lead, who coordinates other qualified counsellors and trainees to deliver the service.
Please note: PCC(S) was last funded by Micah in 2023. Their services continue to be vitally needed as NHS mental health services in Edinburgh remain over-stretched.
Read more about PCC(S).
Project Light: Survivors of Human Trafficking in Scotland (SOHTIS) - Senior Advocate
SOHTIS works to ensure the safe recovery and long-term wellbeing of human trafficking survivors across the country.
Victims of human trafficking have been identified in every Local Authority in Scotland. SOHTIS has expertise in identifying adult and child victims, and works alongside law enforcement and other charities to help them spot the signs of trafficking, and act on them. Victims often experience anxiety, depression, PTSD and other mental and physical health issues and SOHTIS works closely with them to build relationships and access specialist services -- as well as helping people to heal, and restore their dignity.
The Micah Fund donation will pay for 50% of a Senior Advocate role to coordinate the service. It costs around £1,500 to recover each trafficking victim.
Please note: SOHTIS was last funded by Micah in 2022. They are working hard to eradicate human slavery in Scotland and have made significant steps in that time, including hosting Scotland's first-ever anti-human trafficking event in Scotland, in 2023. More work is still needed.
Read more about SOHTIS.
The Village Network - Director
The Village Network is a brand new organisation which will facilitate the planting of churches across Scotland.
The Village Church was planted in Aberdeenshire in 2019 and is currently planting two new congregations in local communities. Its ambition is to develop a network of thriving churches across the country by offering advice and guidance, practical support and resources to new church plants, to help them put down roots, to grow, and to bear fruit.
The Micah Fund donation will pay for two-thirds of a Director's role to launch the Village Network and start to build the new organisation over the first year of a three-year strategy.
Read more about Village Network.
Ways to Give
Please make sure to reference Micah Fund on any gifts you are giving!
Ps & Gs Bank Details
Give one-off gift using the details below:
Account Name: St Pauls and St Georges Church
Account Number: 00784629
Sort Code: 80-31-20
Reference: Micah Fund
Gift Aid
If you pay UK tax (Income or Capital Gains Tax) please fill in, sign and return the Gift Aid form below. This will mean that Ps & Gs can recover the basic rate of income tax, currently 25p for each pound you give. (If you pay a higher rate tax, you may recover this through your own tax return). If you have any questions please get in touch.
Online Giving
You can give now by card safely and securely here on our website, just click the button below. Please note we do have to pay transaction fees this way so where possible please make a direct Bank Transfer
Contactless Giving
On Sundays thoughout March, you can use the contactless giving terminals located in the church building to give by card. You can Gift Aid your offering using these terminals too – just follow the instructions on screen and select Micah Fund.
Cash & Cheques
If you are unable to give online, cash or cheques can be put in a financial gift envelope (Available at the Connections Point) and handed to a member of the Welcome Team at Sunday services. Cheques should be made payable to 'St Paul's & St George's Church’ please. If you can include a completed Gift Aid form with your gift, that is an enormous help.