Micah Fund
“And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.”
What is the Micah Fund?
We want to support other churches, charities and projects in the UK that make a real difference in people's lives. The Micah Fund helps to focus our giving through an annual congregational gift day or month where we encourage each other to give generously.
What kind of projects does it support?
The Micah Fund supports projects in the UK which fall under one of the four areas of our Stretch 25 church strategy: changing lives, transforming society, deepening influence and church planting. It also includes donations to Disaster Emergency Committee appeals, ordinands who have been part of Ps & Gs, and short-term missions.
Projects we have supported in the past include Alpha Prisons, Inverness Cathedral, MINE - Newcastle, Fusion and Ferrywell Youth Project.
What’s special about Micah?
The Micah Fund doesn’t replace our individual charitable giving, but by combining our money into a single fund, we can make a big difference to some specific projects that we may not have heard of otherwise.
What’s the best way to give?
A single donation during the Micah Gift month to the regular bank account. Please ensure the reference says Micah Fund. For more information about giving, click here.
How can I apply for the Micah Fund?
The Micah Fund usually gives 4-8 substantial gifts every year to different organisations. For 2024, the window for applications is now closed. 2025 applications will be open in September. Application forms will be available to download below.
Current Micah Projects
Previous Micah Projects
Short term mission Applications
If you are part of Ps & Gs and are planning a short-term mission trip, take a look at the information sheet below to see how to apply for support. Please email your application to the Church Office, providing details of your planned trip.