Mission Partners
Sometimes people feel called to serve God in different cultures and contexts around the world. We've been able to partner with several people and organisations and provide prayer and financial support.
Individual Mission Partners
Our individual mission partners are very much part of the Ps & Gs church family. They have been commissioned by the church and are serving Christ in a variety of ways and in many different parts of the world, from Scotland, Europe and the Middle East to Africa, Asia and South America. We support them in prayer, through encouragement, and financially.
Alastair & Helen, OM Ireland
Alastair and Helen have worked for Operation Mobilisation (OM) Ireland since 2002 in a variety of roles.
Alastair coordinates finances for OM Europe and supports leaders in their roles. He also oversees the finance department for OM Ireland. Helen is the administrator for receiving Short Term Teams for OM Ireland.
Carrie & Malcolm, AWM
Since 1990 we have been supporting Carrie and Malcolm working with Arab World Media (AWM) as mission partners. They are engaged in reaching people in the Arab world through internet evangelism and discipleship, in order to see new church groups planted throughout the region.
Grant & Miho, Tokyo Life Church
Grant and Miho are the founders and co-pastors of Tokyo Life Church in Japan, serving as missionaries with the Evangelical Covenant Church. Their focus is on evangelism, raising up younger leaders, and planting churches across Tokyo. Both are also currently in doctoral programmes.
Hannah, Latin Link
Hannah is the Team Leader for short term volunteers with Latin Link in Peru. Hannah coordinates the many ‘striders’ arriving each year, and is also part of the Latin Link leadership team.
Latin Link is an international 'community with a calling' to love and serve God and our neighbour, through multi-directional mission work.
Kieren, Mercy Corps
Kieren heads up the work of Mercy Corps in Syria.
Mercy Corps support Syrian communities in both Syria and neighbouring countries so they can move beyond survival mode, become more self reliant, and have opportunities to earn an income. They also focus much more on agriculture and local markets to help boost local food supplies.
Phil & Ros, Navigators UK
Phil and Ros lead the work of Navigators UK. The Navigators are seeking God to build a disciple-making movement that will have an impact well beyond our own generation. For nearly 70 years the Navigators has been used by God to impact thousands and thousands of lives.
Rachel, Green Anglicans
Canon Dr. Rachel is the coordinator of Green Anglicans and also ministers at Eluvukweni Church. Bob is a GP. Green Anglicans is a movement started by the Anglican Church of Southern Africa which is focused on empowering, encouraging and holding the church accountable in caring for the earth.
Partner Organisations
As approaches to global mission are changing, we are introducing a thematic approach focusing on different areas of need and interest. We have developed a number of new initiatives with partner organisations.
International Justice Mission (IJM)
Ps & Gs supports the work of IJM globally as they seek to end all forms of trafficking, sexual exploitation, violence against women and children and forced labour slavery. IJM have successfully rescued and restored many survivors, and are working in partnership with local governments and law enforcement agencies to ensure criminals face justice, and also to foster systemic change and protect many more from being exploited.
Open Doors, Global
Ps & Gs are members of the ONE Church project that focuses on believers in S.E. Asia.
Open Doors supports persecuted Christians in severely restricted countries by supplying Bibles, providing emergency relief and helping persecuted believers stand strong for the long-term.
Tearfund, Global
Ps & Gs supports the global needs of Tearfund’s work.
Tearfund currently works in 50 countries and are involved in around 1000 projects. Their work in Rwanda involves working with local churches to set up self help groups within the communities. These bring people together to read the Bible, support each other and save money for the future.
World Vision, Uganda
Ps & Gs supports the broader work of World Vision in Uganda, helping vulnerable children access education, and their families to overcome poverty through community-led empowerment in water use, sanitation, farming and micro-financing. Another recent project has been the partnership of local faith leaders to ensure the protection of children throughout communities.
Podcasts and Social Media
We have recorded podcasts with different Mission Partners and have plans to do more! You can also follow the Global Focus Facebook page for regular information and updates from our partners.
Ps & Gs Vision for Mission
We are called to be whole life disciples, sharing the whole of the Gospel with the whole of society, through churches of grace.
Ps & Gs Strategy
Grow and deepen
Explore and plan
Love and serve with impact
In light of Ps & Gs vision and strategy, the Global Focus Team is to implement that vision and strategy in relation to the global church and broader world outside of Edinburgh. Luke 4.18-19 gives voice to the strategic themes.
Luke 4.18-19
18 “The Spirit of the Lord is on me,
because he has anointed me
to proclaim good news to the poor.
He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners
and recovery of sight for the blind,
to set the oppressed free,
19 to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favour.”
In these verses, Christ reveals His vocation as embracing both Word and deed. As Christ’s Body, his children and his Church, we embrace that vocation. We recognize our mission to love people holistically (emotionally, physically, spiritually), as well as our responsibility to care for God’s creation. We remember that there remain many groups of people in the world for whom hearing the Gospel is either difficult or impossible, as well as parts of the world in which a knowledge and understanding of the Gospel has been effectively lost. With all this in mind, Ps & Gs (though the GFT) is committed to partnering with churches and ministry organisations outside of Edinburgh in the following areas:
Evangelisation (and Re-evangelisation) of the nations
Building the Church, especially supporting efforts in church planting
Tackling Injustice, i.e. issues of trafficking, persecution,, advocacy, etc.
Responding to Poverty
Honouring Creation through environmental advocacy
Empowering Communities by responding to needs in education (general and theological), gender equality, leadership training, health, mental health, etc.