Connect Group Resources
A journey of discipleship through the book of Colossians. What does it look like to be in Christ, to live a life worthy of the Gospel today in terms of our everyday lives of work, relationships, prayer life, habits etc?
Autumn 2021
Distinctive Community
As Paul writes to the church in Ephesus he is calling them to a new way of living, to be a ‘distinctive community’ marked by grace. As we explore this practical letter, let's be ready to hear the Spirit’s call to the church today, to be a community of distinctive, courageous Whole Life Disciples of Jesus.
This series through Lukes Gospel, explores how Jesus challenged the norms of religion and society at the time, radically bringing in the Kingdom of God. The church today exists in changing times and the challenge is to be prophetically on the edge, aware but not defeatist, thoughtful but not passive. To be and bring the Kingdom of God to the places where God has called us to be.
Autumn 2019
Fruit of the Spirit
This series encourages us to discover how to grow in Christ-likeness and develop & experience the fruit of the spirit in our lives.
Spring 2023
Hard Saying of Jesus
In this series, we look at some of the Hard Sayings of Jesus from his Sermon on the Mount in Matthew’s Gospel. We will see how so much of Jesus’ teaching on Worry, Judgement, Anger etc is still so relevant to our lives today as we live as Whole Life Disciples.
Hebrews series
This short series focuses on the powerful ‘Let us’ exhortations in Hebrews.
‘Let us ..make every effort to enter that rest’; ‘ Let us draw near to God..’; ‘Let us throw off everything that hinders..’; ‘Let us be thankful and so worship God..’.
The Holy Spirit
This series aims to enlarge our knowledge and experience of the Holy Spirit. Be ready to have your beliefs challenged, affirmed, and renewed and to get to know the Holy Spirit better and discover whatever He wants to do in our lives, and in us as a church.
Spring 2022
John’s Gospel ‘I am’
Join us in a deep dive into the ‘I am’ sayings in John’s Gospel.
We will discover how Jesus’ claims about his identity help us to learn more about who Jesus is and his purpose on earth and at the same time discover more of our identity in Christ.
Autumn 2023
Romans Series
Imagine a letter written to a group of Christians living in a capital city. A city that was famous throughout the world – and where people were very status conscious. What did the letter say? How should they live as Christians? Especially when they were in the minority – and it was going to be increasingly hard to live for Jesus? What does it have to say about subjects like suffering and character, love, the Holy Spirit, hospitality, and worship?
That is the letter to the Romans. So, what does it really mean? And what does it mean for us today?
Winter 2023
Nehemiah Series
This series was originally written as we faced another COVID lockdown in Jan 2021 but it is very relevant to ‘normal time’. The series takes us on a journey with Nehemiah out of exile back to Jerusalem as he faces full frontal the difficulties there and yet leads the people into a time of rebuilding, restoration and renewal.
January 2021
Philippians Series
ATHRU: to change, to shift, to transform.
Through this series, you will explore Paul’s letter to the church in Philippi.
Whole Life Discipleship
This course helps us to bring the whole of ourselves to the whole of who Jesus is. We will explore together how we live, spend, rest, celebrate and work as Whole Life Disciples of Jesus who continue to grow in depth of relationship with him.